The Cost of Aggression: Israel's Collapsing Economy

Aug 10, 2024 - 13:31

The Israeli economy has long been regarded as one of the most dynamic economic systems in West Asia, owing to the financial support extended by the US and Europe. However, a protracted ten-month war against a resistance group has exposed the inherent fragility of this collapsing crumbling framework. Despite the substantial financial and military support offered to the Israeli regime, reports paint a bleak picture of the regime’s economic landscape, as the agricultural sector has been plagued by an unprecedented labor shortage since October 7th, 2023, while the post-conflict unemployment rate has skyrocketed to 5.3% in a total population of barely 9 million. The ongoing exodus of Zionist settlers from occupied Palestine has further exacerbated the complex economic challenges facing the Israeli regime. Adding to these problems, the Israeli government has ceased measures aimed at ensuring food security and combating hunger, as demonstrated by the latest figures that 30% of Israel's adult population lives in a state of food insecurity. The Israeli government's refusal to heed the settlers' appeals to offer assistance to alleviate the financial crisis serves as a testament to the regime's utter indifference towards the well-being of its own population. In the meantime, the estimations suggesting that one-third of the Israeli settlers living in northern occupied Palestine will not return to their colonies serve as a sign of the imminent economic and security catastrophe that Israel shall encounter. Despite the gravity of these socioeconomic indicators, the fear of public scrutiny has led Israeli officials to choose the continuation of the war over a ceasefire, underscoring the regime's reluctance to confront the stark realities it faces.