The International Association of Genocide Scholars has adopted a resolution on Artsakh

The International Association of Genocide Scholars adopted a resolution in which it described the events taking place in Nagorno Karabakh in 2022-2023 as genocidal acts. Genocide expert, former deputy director of the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute Suren Manukyan wrote about this on his Facebook page.

Sep 8, 2024 - 12:48
The International Association of Genocide Scholars has adopted a resolution on Artsakh

The International Association of Genocide Scholars adopted a resolution in which it described the events taking place in Nagorno Karabakh in 2022-2023 as genocidal acts. Genocide expert, former deputy director of the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute Suren Manukyan wrote about this on his Facebook page.

In the resolution of 2022 from December to 2023 The September blockade of Nagorno Karabakh, including the closure of the Lachin Corridor, was described as creating living conditions that would lead to the physical destruction of ethnic Armenians or physical harm to local Armenians, which are considered genocidal acts under the UN Genocide Convention.

"In 2023 The forced deportation of ethnic Armenians in September-October through blockade and bombing is ethnic cleansing and a crime against humanity - forced transfer and deportation," the resolution states.

The resolution also states that the bombing of the civilian population is a violation of international humanitarian law, and the torture and killing of Armenian prisoners of war and civilians is a violation of international humanitarian law.

It should be noted that the International Association of Genocide Scholars is one of the largest and most prestigious organizations studying genocides, with about 700 genocide scholars as members.

Let us remind that after the months-long blockade and the subsequent aggression of Azerbaijan, in September 2023, more than 101 thousand citizens moved from Nagorno Karabakh to Armenia. About 30 thousand of them are children.