The level of bombs dropped by Israel on Gaza has exceeded that of the Second World War

The Zionist regime of Israel has dropped more than 70,000 tons of bombs on the land of the Gaza Strip since October of last year, which is more than the bombs dropped on the cities of Dresden, Hamburg, and London combined during the Second World War. The world.

Jun 5, 2024 - 13:50
The level of bombs dropped by Israel on Gaza has exceeded that of the Second World War

The Zionist regime of Israel has dropped more than 70,000 tons of bombs on the land of the Gaza Strip since October of last year, which is more than the bombs dropped on the cities of Dresden, Hamburg, and London combined during the Second World War. The world.

At the end of April, the Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor released an estimate showing that approximately 70,000 tons of bombs had been dropped in Gaza, in the six months from October 7 to April 24.
"It is estimated that Israel has dropped more than 70,000 tons of explosives in Gaza with its terror operations, causing the destruction of all buildings in a distance of up to one kilometer to the east and north of the Strip to establish the so-called exclusion zone", said the organization. that Euro Med with headquarters in Geneva.
According to different estimates, including the archives of the New York Times, between 1940 and 1941, the Germans attacked London and dropped about 18,300 tons of bombs.

Hendrik Althoff, a researcher at the Department of History at the University of Hamburg, in Germany, said that the Allied forces dropped 8,500 tons of bombs in the city during the summer of 1943.

And according to historical records, the Allied forces also dropped 3,900 tons of bombs on another German city of Dresden in February 1945.
However, it has been found that the number of bombs combined is twice as small compared to the deadly bombs used by the brutal Zionist army in its barbaric attacks that continue for the eighth month now against the Palestinians of Gaza.
More than 36,500 Palestinians have been martyred, most of them women and children, and almost 83,000 others have been injured so far due to the attacks of the Zionist regime against the besieged Gaza area.
Israel continues its barbaric attacks despite the UN Security Council passing a resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire.../