Moscow's reaction to the US Congress' approval of sanctions against the ICC

Jun 5, 2024 - 13:54
Moscow's reaction to the US Congress' approval of sanctions against the ICC

A representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry criticized the approval in the US Congress of a package of sanctions against the International Criminal Court.

Maria Zakharova wrote in a message on her Telegram channel: “The approval by the US House of Representatives of sanctions against the International Criminal Court (ICC) testifies to the decadent arthouse in the country.”
“There is Roman law, there is common law. And there is American law - decadent arthouse, turning into liberal postmodern bipolarity,” commented the Russian diplomat.
The US House of Representatives on June 4 passed a bill on sanctions against the ICC, which threatens the arrest of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
The project was supported by 247 congressmen, 155 voted against.
Maria Zakharova said that the demand of the ICC chief prosecutor to issue an arrest warrant for the Israeli leadership led to the collapse of Western attitudes. She called the US response the actions of “a scorpion that stung itself.”
This comes after ICC prosecutor Karim Khan on May 20 demanded an arrest warrant against Netanyahu, as well as Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Galant and three Hamas leaders, angering Tel Aviv's allies in Washington.
Earlier, 12 Republican senators sent a letter to International Criminal Court prosecutor Karim Khan, threatening him that if an arrest warrant is issued against Israeli leaders, he, ICC officials, and his family would face “serious consequences.”