The Name "Muhammad" Becomes the Most Popular in Berlin and Brandenburg

The name "Muhammad" has been announced as the most popular and common name for boys in the German cities of Berlin and Brandenburg for the year 2024. A report from the network states that this name has reclaimed the top spot, as it did in 2023, followed by the names "Matteo" and "Elias." This name reflects the growing Muslim population in Germany, where over 5.5 million Muslims live, making up about 5% of the country's total population.
Muhammad, a name associated with the Last Prophet of God, has gained significant popularity in European countries and is increasingly chosen by Muslim families. Azon Global also reported that this name was the most popular in the United Kingdom and Wales in 2023. The UK’s Office for National Statistics confirmed that Muhammad was the most commonly chosen name for boys, followed by the name Nuh.
According to the statistics provided by the UK's Office for National Statistics, among every 40 men in the UK, one is named Muhammad. This reflects the growing popularity of the name, aligning with changes in European societies where Muslims are increasingly making a significant impact in modern communities.
The use of the name Muhammad in European countries seems to be a sign of growing respect and acknowledgment of the contribution of Muslims to these societies. However, this comes at a time when there are significant challenges related to the policies of some Western countries that aim to increase hatred against Islam and spread negative images of Muslims. Despite these challenges, the popularity of the name Muhammad clearly shows that love and respect for Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) continue to grow.