The Sudanese army announces a major step forward in the war with the RSF

The Sudanese Army (SAF) has announced the first major step in 10 months of war with the rival Rapid Support Forces (RSF), thus being able to regain control of a part of the important city of Omdurman.

Feb 21, 2024 - 13:42
The Sudanese army announces a major step forward in the war with the RSF
The Sudanese army announces a major step forward in the war with the RSF

 However, the RSF forces have opposed the declaration and said "The army has turned to propaganda because it is going to fail ." The RSF group has been fighting the army for the control of the North African country since April in a war that caused the deaths of thousands of people and forced eight million others to leave their homes amid warnings of famine . The RSF took control of most of the capital Khartoum as well as the important towns of Omdurman and Bahri. Residents of those towns say the group has driven them from their homes, robbed them of their property and possessions, and raped women . The force is accused of war crimes, crimes against humanity, and ethnic genocide in the state of West Darfur . Since the beginning of this year, the army has achieved success after carrying out a wide air attack campaign . The army had received many objections from the Rapid Support Forces, with some attributing the progress made by the RSF to "their logistics management, support of regional commanders, and the support of the United Arab Emirates through the neighboring country of Chad ." Sudan is ruled by Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, who came to power as the head of the Transitional Governing Council, made up of military and civilian representatives, after the removal of the long-time ruler Omar al-Bashir in 2019 . The military leader took full power in the October 2021 revolution, thus halting the process of handing over the government to citizens in accordance with the post-revolution agreement of 2019 . In January, Burhan rejected reconciliation efforts with the RSF, vowing to continue a months-long war with the group until victory was achieved.