The United States completely withdraws from Niger

Sep 18, 2024 - 14:25
The United States completely withdraws from Niger

According to the CNN news agency, the African Command of the United States Army has said in a statement that the process of leaving the American forces in Niger, which began on May 19 this year, was completed at the 101st Air Force Base in Niamey on July 7 and at the 201st Air Force Base in Agadez on August 5.

Following the military coup that occurred in Niger last year, the country's military government canceled the agreement with the United States that allowed the Western country to have bases and military forces in Niger and asked it to close all its bases in the African country that had more troops of one thousand.

American soldiers in Niger

The most important reason for that demand is that the agreement between the United States and the former government of Niger was tyrannical and focused only on the interests of the United States, regardless of the rights, interests or wishes of Niger. One of the important reasons given by the United States for sending its military forces to Niger is supposedly to deal with rebels and terrorists in the countries of the Sahel region in Africa. This is in a situation where the military government of Niger considered the agreement between the old government and the United States to be a symbol of the new exploitation and neo-colonialism of the country against the people of Niger.

France is an old colonialist in Africa, especially in the Sahel region, but due to successive military revolutions there, old colonialists like France and new colonialists like the United States have changed the faces of their old colonialism. The revolution that took place a few months ago in Niger was a move against American colonialism. The truth of the matter is that as a result of being educated and having a new awakening, the people of Africa have increased their struggle and resistance against the Western colonialists, and this shows that the field of presence of the colonialists in Africa is becoming narrower.

Nigeriens oppose Western colonialism

In relation to this, Sabrina Singh, the deputy spokesperson of the American Ministry of Defense (Pentagon) has announced in a statement that the presence of American soldiers in Niger is very small and that now they will only be protecting the security of the American embassy in the country. One of the baseless excuses used by the United States to send its troops to different corners of the world is supposedly to fight terrorism, including Daesh and Al-Qaeda terrorist groups, as well as domestic and regional violence. This is in a situation where American leaders themselves have admitted several times that the country's government was the one that started those terrorist groups to justify their military presence in different parts of the world. The main reason for the United States to impose oppressive military agreements on African countries is first to eliminate its old colonial rival France, under the pretext of fighting terrorism, and second is to legitimize its new colonialism in the continent. This is why, the spokesman of the Niger army said that the agreement between the previous government of Niger and the United States was not only unfair, but completely ignored the wishes and interests of the people of Niger.

On that basis, Niger's military government ordered the United States to withdraw its 1,000 troops from the country in April last year, which was considered a major failure for the United States and a great shame and humiliation for Washington.

The withdrawal of US forces from Niger

Before the revolution, Niger was the main ally of the United States in what was described as the fight against rebels in the Sahel region, which caused the deaths of thousands of people and displaced millions of others. On that basis, the Nigeriens consider the complete removal of the American army from their country as a great victory and an impressive success in the way of their nation guaranteeing independence and self-government, which can be an example to be emulated by other African countries, which are home to the armed forces of Western countries, including the United States.