The World Bank shows how vassal it is, suspending loans to Uganda due to opposition to homosexuality
The World Bank shows how vassal it is, suspending loans to Uganda due to opposition to homosexuality

The World Bank, which is based in Washington, USA, has clearly shown how it is a puppet of Western powers, especially the United States, by getting involved in issues that do not concern the financial institution in the world by suspending new loans to Uganda due to the East African country passing the law to oppose the dirty acts of immorality, homosexuality and illegal interactions of same-sex people. In an attempt to justify its incorrect and illogical action, the World Bank has said: "The law passed in Uganda against homosexuality fundamentally contradicts the procedures of the World Bank."
Even in May of this year, the World Bank also claimed that it had experienced "great concern" after the law was passed in Uganda. In June this year, the United States imposed travel restrictions on Ugandan officials for allegedly defending the rights of minorities after President Yoweri Museveni signed the law. President Museveni says, people who are involved in illegal same-sex interactions are psychologically ill and he is standing firm to face Western nations led by the United States who are pressuring Uganda to repeal the law. President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni of Uganda Like other institutions that are supposed to be international, the World Bank has clearly shown that it works according to the orders of the Western powers led by the United States and that is why it takes decisions that do not make sense and conflict.
There are many countries in the world that are oppressed by Western powers or by governments that follow the policies of those Western powers, but those international institutions, including the World Bank, do not take any measures against those powers, but even do things that encourage those powers to commit crimes against of innocent people. The Zionist regime of Israel is the most obvious example of a state that commits terrible crimes against innocent people and openly tramples on human rights on a large scale, but not the World Bank and not any international organization and not any Western government which takes disciplinary measures against the Zionist regime of Israel.