Thousands of people demonstrate to support Gaza, BBC offices are splashed with red paint

In the midst of demonstrations by thousands of people in London, in support of Palestine, the office walls and entrance to the BBC television station were splashed with red paint by demonstrators. Quoted by The Telegraph newspaper, Saturday (14/10/2023) the Palestinian support group in England, Palestine Action, admitted responsibility for splashing the BBC offices with red paint during a demonstration in support of Palestine. Palestine Action announced, "A message for the BCC we leave because of the channel's method of broadcasting news about occupied Palestine, and Gaza." He added, "The spread of colonial lies, and the creation of complacency for Israel's war crimes, means that your hands are stained with the blood of the Palestinian people."
In another message, Palestine Action said, "We are spraying the BBC offices with red paint as a symbol of protest against this television channel's involvement in the genocide of the Palestinian people, through its tendentious reports." The showering of the BBC offices was carried out during a demonstration in support of Palestine and Gaza in London today by the Paletine Action group, which considers itself a direct action network to stop British interference in Israeli Apartheid practices. This group previously carried out similar actions, last week Palestine Action also splashed the office of an Israeli intelligence technology company in Boston, United States, with red paint. London police announced that they were aware of the action of spraying red paint on the BBC offices in the city, and did not wish to comment at this time regarding specific groups of demonstrators.