Trump's extortion of the Afghan people

Jan 7, 2024 - 14:58
Trump's extortion of the Afghan people
Trump's extortion of the Afghan people

According to the CNN news agency, “Donald Trump” and his family received $7.8 million from 20 foreign countries, including Afghanistan, during his presidency. Afghanistan, with $154,750, is the seventh country on the list of payments to Trump and his family. According to Democratic members of the US Congress, the money paid to Trump and his family was deposited between 2017 and 2021. China, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Democratic Republic of Congo and Malaysia are other countries that have paid Donald Trump. The report said the money was spent on hotel stays and apartments owned by Trump. The investigation into the receipt of money by businesses belonging to Donald Trump was conducted by the Democratic House Oversight Committee. Furthermore, eleven months before the presidential elections in the US, three veteran British diplomats asked Rishi Sunak's government to plan for Donald Trump's possible return to the White House. These diplomats have warned that if Trump wins the 2024 presidential election, England would face serious security problems. The US presidential elections will be held in November 2024, and according to the latest polls, "Donald Trump" is ahead of his Republican rivals in almost all polls.