UK doctors strike again
UK doctors strike again

Thousands of doctors in the UK have once again gone on strike to protest the high cost of living and low wages.British medical workers were on strike from February 20 to April 20 this year, when the action paralyzed the country's medical sector, but the conservative government of British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak does not want to improve their working conditions and raise wages. According to France Press, thousands of doctors in the UK launched a five-day strike on Thursday to protest poor living and unfavorable working conditions.
It is the longest strike in the history of the National Health Service (NHS) of the country.On July 20-21, experienced and qualified doctors are going on strike in Britain.Since 2008, when an austerity package was imposed on the country's healthcare system, interns have lost 26% of their salaries in real terms, according to the British Medical Association.The union demands a 35% wage increase, which, however, the British government does not agree with.The Guardian recently reported that nearly 170,000 employees in the country's medical sector were forced to leave their jobs in 2022 due to unprecedented financial and professional pressure.