UN: One million Palestinians have been forced to flee Rafah

More than one million Palestinians have now packed their bags and fled the city of Rafah in southern Gaza as the brutal Israeli regime continues brutal attacks against refugees in the area.

Jun 4, 2024 - 09:10
UN: One million Palestinians have been forced to flee Rafah

In its statement issued on Monday through the X social network, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) said the city of Rafah on the southern border of Gaza and Egypt had sheltered more than a million people who fled their homes for nearly months. eight of the daily attacks of the Israeli army since October Seven last year .

According to UNRWA, thousands of families have been forced to seek shelter in badly damaged buildings in Khan Younis, a city north of Rafah, with an estimated population of 1.7 million .

It has been reported that all 36 UNRWA shelters in Rafah now remain empty .

This is happening while the illegal Israeli regime continues its genocidal attacks against the Palestinians .

According to the latest statistics, more than 36,500 Palestinians have been martyred and 82,700 others have been injured since the start of the mass killings of the Zionist regime against Palestinians on October 7, most of them women and children .

Gaza after the Israeli attack

Warplanes of the Zionist regime of Israel have carried out airstrikes in several areas of the Gaza Strip, including refugee camps, killing dozens of Palestinian martyrs.

The WAFA news agency has quoted hospital sources as saying that 10 people, including three children, have been killed after their homes were bombed by the Zionist administration in the al-Rumaydah area, in the city of Khan Yunis, south of Gaza.

In another separate airstrike in Khan Yunis, the Zionist regime targeted the residence of the family of Muqawama activist Abu Khater, killing two martyrs and injuring several others.

Likewise, the military planes of the Zionist regime attacked the Bureij and Nuseirat refugee camps in the middle of the Gaza Strip early today, killing more than 10 other Palestinian martyrs.

More information says that most of the Palestinians who were martyred in the wave of barbaric attacks by the illegal Israeli regime in the Gaza Strip are young children.

According to the latest statistics, more than 36,500 Palestinians have been martyred and 82,700 others have been injured since the start of the mass killings of the Zionist regime against Palestinians on October 7, most of them women and children.