UNHCR: One out of every two refugee children is malnourished in Ethiopia
The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) has revealed that one out of every two children running away is malnourished in Ethiopia.

In its most recent report distributed yesterday Alkhamisi, UNHCR has said that there is a big deficit in the provision of nutritional services to refugees in Ethiopia and that the organization's research conducted in 21 camps and areas across Ethiopia shows that one child out of every child two refugees, aged up to 6 years, suffer from malnutrition.
Statistics from UNHCR show that approximately 95,334 children out of 203,371 (two hundred thousand and 3371), which is 46.9 percent of the refugee children have been found to have malnutrition problems. According to the report, among the children's problems are stunting, underweight and nutrient deficiencies.
The United Nations organization that deals with refugees has added that mothers have many deficiencies, they fail to provide good nutrition for babies under 6 months old and they also fail to breastfeed early.
In addition to internal refugees, there are other refugees who come from outside Ethiopia. Last year the organization announced in its report that almost one hundred thousand people fled the fighting in Somaliland; isolated region of northern Somalia, they have fled to Ethiopia and their situation is very bad.
The statement of the United Nations Refugee Agency said in its report that it estimates that 98,000 people arrived in the three districts of Ethiopia bordering the Somaliland region in the period of one month and were in need of urgent humanitarian aid.