UNRWA: 100,000 Palestinians killed, injured or missing in Gaza

The High Commissioner of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) has said that almost five percent of the residents of the Gaza Strip have either been killed or injured or have disappeared.

Feb 6, 2024 - 12:08
UNRWA: 100,000 Palestinians killed, injured or missing in Gaza
UNRWA: 100,000 Palestinians killed, injured or missing in Gaza

 Philippe Lazzarini said in his message on the X network that: "In the 4 months of war, almost 100,000 people of Gaza have been killed, injured or disappeared." He added that more than 80 percent of the 2.3 million people have fled their homes, most of them several times. Lazzarini said: "The ceasefire is overdue; a different path is needed for the people of Gaza, Israel, elsewhere in the region and beyond." These statements by the High Commissioner of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) come a few days after the Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor, a human rights organization based in Geneva, issued an alarming report on the chain of the massive death and destruction caused by the four months of genocidal war waged by the Zionist regime of Israel against the Palestinians of the Gaza Strip. A statement issued by the organization said: "About 110,000 Palestinians are reported to have been killed, disappeared and injured, leaving many with long-term disabilities four months after the start of Israel's genocide in the Gaza Strip". Gaza According to the Euro-Med report, the number includes a total of 35,096 deaths -- 32,220 of them civilians -- including 12,345 children, 7,656 women, 309 health workers, 41 civil defense workers, and journalists. 121 information. Euro-Med has said that the number of wounded in the entire period of the Israeli war is 67,240, including hundreds who have received serious injuries. Euro-Med added that the regime's continued crimes are "contrary to international humanitarian law, [and] the Geneva Convention of 1949, and amount to war crimes in accordance with the Rome Statute, which governs the International Criminal Court ."