Trump commented on Biden's insults to him

Former US President Donald Trump commented on the insults directed at him by the current leader of the country, Joe Biden.

Feb 6, 2024 - 12:10
Trump commented on Biden's insults to him
Trump commented on Biden's insults to him

 The New York Post writes about this, referring to the letters of the pre-election campaign of the former head of the White House. One email said Biden called Trump a "sick moron" and used other profanity. At the same time, Trump emphasized that in reality, the current president of the country thinks this way about every person who supports him. Trump added that if he wins the upcoming election, he and his supporters will laugh ostentatiously on the day the results are announced. At the same time, the representative of his pre-election headquarters accused the current US president of "shameful" behavior, but did not consider it surprising.

 Former US President Donald Trump has promised that if he wins the 2024 presidential election, he will begin the largest deportation of illegal immigrants from the US in history. "We have millions and millions of people here... Have you seen what is happening in New York, where ordinary students have been pulled out of school and replaced by migrants? We are facing the largest deportation in our country's history. We're going to put everybody back where they came from," Trump told supporters in Iowa. The broadcast was carried out by Fox News. In the past, Trump has repeatedly criticized the current administration of President Joe Biden, including because of the immigration policy. In particular, Trump believes that under Biden, American cities were filled with homeless people, drug addicts and criminals. The US presidential elections are scheduled for November 2024. Trump announced in November 2022 that he will enter the fight for the highest state office. Acting President Biden has announced his intention to be re-elected in April 2023.