Debate Reactions: Both Biden and Trump Camps Acknowledge Biden's Stumble

Jun 28, 2024 - 11:18
Debate Reactions: Both Biden and Trump Camps Acknowledge Biden's Stumble

The first presidential debate between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump left many debate-watchers in agreement: Biden had a challenging night.In venues across the country, from bars in Michigan and Las Vegas to bowling alleys in Maine, voters from both camps shared their reactions. Trump supporters expressed satisfaction with their candidate's performance, while many Biden supporters voiced disappointment.

At a Chicago bar, the atmosphere turned somber for Biden supporters as he stumbled verbally. "Oh, Joe," was the collective gasp when Biden faltered early in the debate. Similar sentiments were echoed at watch parties nationwide.

Rosemarie DeAngelus, a Democrat from South Portland, Maine, attending a watch party at Broadway Bowl, remarked, "Biden just didn’t have the spark that we needed tonight." She conceded that Trump appeared more vigorous, even though she believed he was spreading falsehoods.

Lynn Miller, another Biden supporter from Old Orchard Beach, Maine, added, "It’s like somebody gave Trump an Adderall and I don’t think they gave Joe one." Despite her criticism, she maintained her support for Biden, citing her distrust of Trump.

Frustration and Calls for Change

In McAllen, Texas, at London’s Bar & Grill, patrons watched in relative silence. Vance Gonzales, a moderate Democrat, voiced his disappointment, saying, "We need another Democratic candidate because this is not competitive." Similarly, Marco Perez, a Biden voter in the last election, expressed frustration with the debate’s lack of substantive discussion.

Virginia Lopez, an undecided voter, summarized her disillusionment with both candidates. "Unfortunately, I feel that this is the first time where I don’t even know who I want to vote for," she said. "Trump is just deflecting... Biden? I just feel like he’s too old."

Divided Support and Loyalty

Hector Mercado, a 72-year-old veteran, watched from the same bar. A former Democrat who switched to the Republican Party under Ronald Reagan, Mercado remained steadfast in his support for Trump despite Biden’s accusations regarding Trump's past comments about veterans. "I think Trump is stronger, and Biden is a little weak," he said.

Migrant Perspectives

In Tijuana, Mexico, migrants watched the debate with hopes pinned on U.S. immigration policies. Andrea, a migrant from southern Mexico, noted, "I feel that the people of the United States don’t love Mexicans now." Her words reflected the anxiety and aspirations of those awaiting asylum decisions.

Enthusiasm and Nervousness

In Seattle, at Hula Hula, patrons reacted enthusiastically when Trump mentioned their city, even in a negative context. Amy Pottinger, a Biden supporter, felt the president performed best when he was passionate about topics like Roe v. Wade.

Back in Chicago, the M Lounge crowd reacted strongly to Biden's zinger, "You have the morals of an alley cat," directed at Trump. However, at a Democratic watch party in Atlanta, attendees were visibly anxious throughout the debate. Georgia state Senator Nikki Merritt likened her nervousness to watching her child perform on stage.