Violent clashes kill six in Mali
Violent clashes kill six in Mali

The Mali army said that 6 soldiers were killed and 4 wounded in clashes in that country. Since 2012, Mali has faced the spread of extremism and violence of all kinds. The country is ruled by a military government after the 2020 and 2021 coups. According to the Al Jazeera network, according to the Malian army, these people were killed and injured in clashes on Friday and Saturday on their way to the city of Beir near the city of Timbuktu. While the Mali army statement did not mention the name of the group or groups that clashed with the military, it appears that the group was linked to al-Qaeda. The Republic of Mali borders Algeria, Niger, Burkina Faso, Côte d'Ivoire, Guinea, Senegal and Mauritania in West Africa. Mali is located in the south of the African Sahara, and some parts of it are located in this desert.