Washington Post: The United States will soon face a greater threat than nuclear weapons
The Washington Post has reported that there is a possibility that the United States will face a greater threat than nuclear weapons in the near future, despite the fact that the country is one of the leaders in researching biological and biological weapons.

The Washington Post has reported that there is a possibility that the United States will face a greater threat than nuclear weapons in the near future, despite the fact that the country is one of the leaders in researching biological and biological weapons.
The Washington Post has written that in this age of artificial biology, it is possible that in the near future we will face a biological disaster.
The Washington Post research report said that researchers around the world are working on a virus that kills more than Covid-19, which means that the nightmare of a major biological disaster is not far away.
The American Washington Post has written that according to a joint report by biological researchers, Russia has reopened and expanded a military and laboratory site that was used during the Cold War to develop a viral weapon that causes smallpox, Ebola and other diseases. of explosion.
The Washington Post has reported that it has been reported from China that senior military officials are researching the benefits of biological warfare. That said, the Chinese officials describe biological warfare as a "stronger and more civilized" method of mass destruction than nuclear weapons.