Why is Olympic Security in Israel's Hands?

The Israeli regime, is involved on two levels, directly and indirectly, in managing the security of the 2024 Olympics in Paris, France.

Jul 19, 2024 - 14:22
Why is Olympic Security in Israel's Hands?

As preparations intensify for the upcoming 2024 Olympic Games in Paris, the inclusion of Israeli security forces in maintaining the event's safety has sparked significant debate. The Israeli regime, known for its extensive record of human rights violations, particularly in Gaza, will play a dual role in the security apparatus, both directly and through private firms. This decision has raised ethical questions regarding the alignment of Olympic ideals with the presence of a controversial security partner.

Behnam Khosravi, Second Secretary of the Iranian Embassy in Lebanon, expressed strong reservations about Israel's involvement. He highlighted the paradox of Israel, accused of recent mass killings in Gaza, participating in an event that symbolizes peace, human rights, and non-discrimination.

Coalition for Olympic Security

Approximately a month before the Paris Olympics, French security forces have established a coalition of over 46 nations to secure the Games. This coalition aims to create a safe environment for athletes and spectators alike. However, the inclusion of Israeli forces has added a contentious layer to these preparations. Israel will deploy a special security team to protect its athletes, a move seen by some as incongruous given the regime's ongoing military actions in Gaza, which have resulted in over 38,000 deaths, half of whom were women and children.

Khosravi questioned the moral implications of this decision, asking, "Does the presence of Israeli security forces not contradict the spirit of the Olympic Games? Does their involvement in maintaining the Olympics' security not mock the conscience behind these games?"

Olympic Ideals Versus Reality

Since their inception in 776 BC, the Olympic Games have been a symbol of peace and human solidarity. The tradition of an Olympic truce, established by ancient Greek kings, exemplifies the Games' commitment to fostering a harmonious global society. Modern Olympics continue to uphold these ideals, striving to protect human rights and promote international unity.

The Olympics' role in spreading a peaceful society through sport and tourism has been significant. Governments worldwide have endeavored to transform the Games into a celebration of friendship and equality, values that are critically needed in today's world, plagued by wars and injustices.

Security and the Spirit of the Games

Ensuring the safety of the Olympics is a paramount concern for organizers. France's coalition for Olympic security is intended to be a symbol of collective effort towards peace and equality. However, the involvement of Israel, both directly and through its security firm ISDS (International Security & Defense Systems), raises questions about the alignment of these efforts with the Olympic spirit.

ISDS, founded by former Israeli military officer Leo Gleser, is known for its comprehensive security programs and has been contracted for the 2024 Paris Olympics. This partnership has been criticized as contradictory to the Olympic values of peace and human rights, given Israel's actions in Gaza.

The participation of Israel, accused of systematic human rights violations and apartheid-like policies against Palestinians, in securing the Paris Olympics is seen as deeply ironic.