Yemen: US naval coalition in the Red Sea is illegitimate

Mohammad Abd al-Salam, a spokesman for Yemen's National Salvation Government, said the confusion among countries that had pledged to participate in the US naval coalition was due to its illegitimacy.

Dec 30, 2023 - 06:20
Yemen: US naval coalition in the Red Sea is illegitimate
Yemen: US naval coalition in the Red Sea is illegitimate

The Yemeni Army, in full support of the oppressed Palestinian people, following the escalation of attacks by the Israeli regime on the Gaza Strip, in several operations attacked the port of Eilat in the south of Occupied Palestine with drones and missiles, and also attacked Israeli ships or ships whose destination was the Occupied Palestinian Territories , not allowing them to pass through the Red Sea and Bab el-Mandeb. According to the Al-Nashra news site, Abdus Salam said: “International waterways are safe and stable, and hundreds of ships pass through the Red Sea every day, but the confusion of some countries that the United States is demanding to join the maritime alliance is due to belief that this initiative is inherently illegal.” A spokesman for Yemen's Government of National Salvation said: "The Yemeni Navy maintains contact with all ships passing through the Red Sea and the Bab al-Mandeb Strait, but the US is trying to provoke some countries to join the naval coalition to protect Israel." According to Abdul Salam, "Yemen is in contact with countries that have confirmed their absence at sea, and some countries have also reported that their presence in the American coalition is limited to sending officers."