A new record of the killing of children by the Israeli army in the Gaza war

Continued attacks on civilian homes and medical facilities in the Gaza Strip and fierce fighting by the forces of Palestinian freedom fighters against the Zionist invaders in different areas of the area are among the news that continue to be widely discussed in the world's media.

Nov 15, 2023 - 13:01
A new record of the killing of children by the Israeli army in the Gaza war
A new record of the killing of children by the Israeli army in the Gaza war

On the 40th day of the operation of the Al-Aqsa Hurricane, the situation in the hospitals of the Gaza Strip was still a great disaster due to the attacks from all sides of the Zionist regime, the lack of fuel, electricity cuts, and also the end of food reserves and attacks of each side of the Zionist regime. Medical officials say the lives of the wounded and sick, especially children who need special care, are at risk in the Gaza Strip. The Israeli army has set a new record in the unequal war and has turned from killing children to killing babies. Now, the death certificates of Gazan babies are issued even before their birth certificates are written! Babies in Gaza are also killed before they are given names. The children of Gaza are being written a death certificate before the birth certificate! The attacks of the Israeli army on the Gaza Strip have completely destroyed almost half of the area.

Therefore, observers say, the invaders are pursuing a failed plan to draw a new geographic map of Gaza. The operation by the Zionist regime of Israel to destroy half of the buildings in Gaza and the destruction of almost 25,000 hectares of agricultural land is taking place at the same time as destroying water plants, electricity networks and public services to force hundreds of thousands of people to flee from different areas, especially in the North of the Gaza Strip. Meanwhile, the Zionist regime's all-out war against the oppressed people of Gaza and the West Bank has entered its sixth week, and the regime has yet to come close to what it has described as the "main goal" of the war. The goal of the administration is to expel the Palestinian militants, especially Hamas, from Gaza, something that has been repeatedly stated in the statements of senior leaders of the brutal Israeli administration. In that order, continuing to witness rocket attacks by Palestinian freedom fighters from outside Gaza, along with hunting and shooting Israeli tanks and other military equipment, is considered a victory in the battlefield.

At the same time, the Zionist media has announced that the 669th division of the Israeli army has carried out more than 260 operations to transport the dead and wounded by air and land since the beginning of the small ground attack in Gaza. Since the start of the Al-Aqsa Storm operation, more than 363 soldiers of the Zionist regime, 59 policemen and 10 agents of the internal security organization of this regime (Shin Bet/Shabak), have been killed. However, we should understand that these are figures officially announced by the Zionists, but there is no doubt that the actual number of military losses of the Zionist regime is greater than the announced figures. After the destruction of a large number of supposedly modern tanks of the Zionists during the invasion of the Gaza Strip, the Israeli army has been forced to start using old tanks again to continue the war. These tanks, which were stopped from working and were supposed to be sold in the framework of the arms agreement, have started to be used again (due to the great shortage of tanks) and a new force led by Lt. Colonel Erez Saadoun collaborating with a number of soldiers and reserve officers with a history of working with these types of tanks.

While this is happening, the joining of the forces of the militants from different areas, which has been a nightmare for the Israeli army in recent years, continues at a fast pace, and every day the fighting forces from the entire region of Western Asia, announce their readiness to defend them oppressed people of Gaza. Sirens and alarm bells have been sounding in the occupied territories bordering Lebanon. The media also reported on Sunday night that the number of soldiers injured by the Zionist regime in the Hizbullah missile attack in the town of "Dovuyo" in "Al Jalil al-Ala" has reached 29 people. Hizbullah's weapon At the same time, Abdul Malik Badruddin al-Houthi, the leader of Yemen's Ansarullah movement, has announced a new missile and drone attack by the Yemeni army against Israel. The evidence shows that, as the attacks and crimes of the Zionist regime against Gaza continue and expand, a new field of struggle against the regime is opened to defend the citizens of Gaza.