Baku is going to present the map of Armenia with Azerbaijani place names at the UN conference

Azerbaijan is actively preparing to use the 29th UN climate change conference (COP 29) against Armenia. In a conversation with Sputnik Armenia, Azerbaijani expert Tatev Hayrapetyan said this, analyzing the information in Azerbaijani sources regarding the preparation of the international forum.

Jun 3, 2024 - 15:00
Baku is going to present the map of Armenia with Azerbaijani place names at the UN conference

The 29th UN Climate Change Conference (COP) is scheduled for November in Baku. According to the initial agreement, the conference was to be hosted by Armenia. But at the end of the year 2023, the staffs of the leaders of Armenia and Azerbaijan published a statement in which it was said that Yerevan conceded the bid to hold the forum to Baku. According to the same agreement, Azerbaijan returned 32 Armenian prisoners of war to Armenia, and Armenia returned 2 Azerbaijani border violators to Azerbaijan, one of whom was accused of killing the guard of the Zangezur copper-molybdenum combine.

At the 29th UN climate change conference, according to the Azerbaijani expert, the environmental propaganda campaign against Armenia will be carried out in two directions. it will be presented how Armenia "illegally" exploited the natural resources of Nagorno-Karabakh, in the other case, the task is to present Armenia as the most polluting country in the region.

" First of all, Zangezur copper-molybdenum factory, Alaverdu copper smelter and a number of other large factories are targeted. Especially in relation to the rivers, big packages are being prepared, as if Armenia is filling the rivers with waste, which flow to Azerbaijan and poison the Azerbaijanis," says Hayrapetyan.

For this purpose, according to him, the authorities of Azerbaijan have ordered a number of non-governmental organizations, which are actually structures acting on the instructions of the state, to prepare trilingual maps in Azerbaijani, English and Russian, in which they must present "facts" about how "Armenia is in danger" the ecology of the region".

" The irony is that Azerbaijan, being a country with serious environmental problems, where air pollution reaches huge levels, known for the waste and poisoning of its oil and gas products, tries to present Armenia as a disaster for the region, and it is a huge work in that direction. taking This once again proves that that state has no tendency to go to peace with Armenia, to establish neighborliness. Moreover, in the map being prepared, they emphasize that they will use Azerbaijani place names as if they were Armenian. In other words, they will completely distort the geographical names of the state of Armenia by translating them into different languages, distorting the facts and trying to make it part of the agenda," Hayrapetyan records.

The Azerbaijani expert emphasizes that Azerbaijan not only does not hide this intention, but has also stated many times at the level of parliamentarians that it will use the international forum as a tool to "present the real face of Armenia" in their formulation.

According to Tatev Hayrapetyan, COP-29 is a very suitable platform for Azerbaijan to carry out another international campaign against Armenia with its entire propaganda toolkit. Moreover, in addition to environmental and political problems, Azerbaijan is also trying to solve an economic problem in this way by creating artificial obstacles for Armenian economic facilities.

" We live in such a time, in which a lie turns into the truth very quickly. That lie is told and repeated so much that it becomes the "truth". But to simply hope that people will understand everything and do nothing against these propaganda campaigns is at least naive", says Haryapetyan and emphasizes how much Azerbaijan will succeed in misleading the experts of the international level in the field of environmental protection with its false propaganda theses.

In 2024, the UN Climate Change Conference (COP 29) in Baku will be chaired by Mukhtar Babayev, Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Azerbaijan and former Vice President of SOCAR, the National Oil Company of Azerbaijan.