Because of the Palestinian keffiyeh...a famous writer turned down an American award

Pulitzer Prize-winning author Jhumpa Lahiri has refused to accept an award from the Noguchi Museum of New York City in the United States after firing three employees for wearing keffiyeh scarves, a symbol of solidarity with Palestinians who continue to be killed by Israeli forces. .

Sep 27, 2024 - 13:08
Because of the Palestinian keffiyeh...a famous writer turned down an American award

Pulitzer Prize-winning author Jhumpa Lahiri has refused to accept an award from the Noguchi Museum of New York City in the United States after firing three employees for wearing keffiyeh scarves, a symbol of solidarity with Palestinians who continue to be killed by Israeli forces. .

The museum announced yesterday, Wednesday, that the Indian-American author has declined to accept the 2024 Isamu Noguchi Award, (Isamu Noguchi Award) "opposing the so-called policy of updating the dress code."

People in different corners of the world have been protesting to stop the war and genocide committed by Israel against the people of the Gaza Strip in Palestine with a scarf or keffiyeh on their head, which is a symbol of Palestinian self-determination. The leader of the struggle against apartheid of South Africa, Nelson Mandela was also seen wearing the scarf of the struggle for the liberation of Paletina many times.

The defenders and supporters of the brutal Israeli regime strongly oppose the issue and accuse its wearers of various accusations, including terrorism and extremism.

Jhumpa Lahiri, who won the Pulitzer Prize in 2000 for her book, Interpreter of Maladies, was one of thousands of academics who signed a letter in May that was sent to university presidents in the United States, declaring their solidarity with the student protests. major against Israel's war and the regime's genocide in Gaza.

Americans supporting the Palestinian liberation struggle

Various American institutions have been firing or taking harsh measures against all people who oppose the genocide committed by Israel in Palestine and now in Lebanon.

In November last year, three students of Palestinian origin, two of them wearing keffiyeh, were shot in an attack in the state of Vermont in the United States.

Also in May this year, a New York City hospital fired an American nurse after she called Israel's war in Gaza "genocide".