Biden, discrimination still exists in the US

Biden, discrimination still exists in the US

Jun 30, 2023 - 06:37
Biden, discrimination still exists in the US
Biden, discrimination still exists in the US

"Discrimination still exists in the United States, equal opportunities are not everywhere in the country": said Joe Biden commenting at the White House on the sentence of the supreme court which canceled the historic affirmative action for access to universities. "I believe our colleges are strongest when there is racial diversity," he continued.

"There is a need for a new path, we cannot let this be the last word", he added, reiterating his "strong disappointment" with the sentence. A reporter who, in the White House, asked him until point Vladimir Putin has been weakened by recent events" the president of the United States of America replied:

 "It is difficult to say but he is clearly losing the war in Iraq", confusing himself with Ukraine, "he is losing the war at home and is become a bit of a pariah around the world. It's not just NATO, it's not just the European Union, there's Japan, you know, it's 40 nations."