Biden was suspected of drug abuse

Carol Lieberman, a psychiatrist who works with elderly people with dementia, said that US President Joe Biden showed signs of using stimulants in an aggressive speech in his annual address to Congress to mask cognitive decline, The Washington Times wrote.

Mar 11, 2024 - 05:53
Biden was suspected of drug abuse
Biden was suspected of drug abuse

81-year-old Biden gave a speech, shouting his words, despite the loudspeaker placed in front of him, the newspaper noted.

The speed and loudness of speech can be a sign of using Anderal or another amphetamine, Dr. Lieberman believes.

"If you look at how Joe Biden is normally, slow and slurring, compared to how he was on the 'State of the Earth' report, fiery and angry, those are signs of a person who is on Adderall or any other amphetamine. used," he said.

Dr. Lieberman also said that the signs of the possible use of drugs were not only expressed in the way Biden spoke during the nearly 90-minute speech, but also in his movements.

For example, Biden usually leans on the podium with his hands during the speech, and during the said address to Congress, he waves his hands frequently and quickly.

At various times, Biden seems to utter some unintelligible words. It's not new for the president, who sometimes slurs when he's excited, but Dr. Lieberman believes the speed at which he slurred his speech led him to think he was "helped by psychopharmacology."