Borrell: United Nations paralyzed by veto power

May 30, 2024 - 11:29
Borrell: United Nations paralyzed by veto power

EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy pointed out that the USA vetoed the draft resolutions submitted to the UN and said that the United Nations system was paralyzed due to the use of veto.

European Union (EU) High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell, in his speech in Brussels today, said, "Look what happened in the Security Council. There is no agreement, only a veto." said.

Borrell stated that EU member states did not use their veto right in the Gaza war and said, "The UN system has been paralyzed due to successive vetoes. These vetoes lead to conflicts, and conflicts cause loss of life and the spread of insecurity."

Describing the war in Gaza as the biggest moral problem of the international community, Borrell emphasized that the decisions of the International Criminal Court in The Hague should be implemented to stop the war.

Reactions to the genocide and massacres carried out by the Zionist occupation forces in Gaza continue all over the world.

Yesterday, demonstrations, marches and solidarity actions were held in Europe, the Arab world and various cities in many different countries of the world in support of the people of Gaza and to protest the Zionist massacres. Demonstrators in Rafah, in the south of the Gaza Strip, condemned Israel's ongoing massacres and demanded that the war be stopped and the rulers of the occupation regime be punished for the genocide in Gaza. They also demanded that the supply of weapons to Israel, which it uses to kill women and children and destroy houses, be stopped.

In England, thousands of Palestinian supporters demonstrated on the streets of London to condemn Israel's ongoing massacres in Rafah. Demonstrators gathered around Downing Street, demanding the British government condemn the Israeli attack and stop arms exports to Tel Aviv. They carried banners demanding an end to attacks on Gaza.

Police in Brussels, the capital of Belgium, used water cannons to prevent demonstrators protesting the bombardment in Rafah from reaching the Israeli embassy.

In Ireland, Palestinian and Arab activists and Irish supporters of the Palestinian cause held a demonstration in front of the parliament building in Dublin to celebrate the Irish government's recognition of the State of Palestine. Demonstrators carried Palestinian flags and banners supporting the rights of the Palestinian people.

Thousands of people in Paris, the capital of France, continued their demonstrations yesterday to protest the Israeli massacres in Rafah. The demonstrations in Paris continued for two consecutive days. While the Republic Square in the center of Paris was filled with demonstrators, Palestinian flags were hung on the statue in the square and a large banner saying "Stop the Genocide" was unfurled.

A demonstration was held in front of the parliament building in Oslo, the capital of Norway. Demonstrators celebrated the Norwegian government's recognition of the State of Palestine and demanded the withdrawal of investments in Israel and pressure for a permanent ceasefire.

Holding a silent protest in front of the city hall in Utrecht, the Netherlands, Palestinian supporters protested the killing of women, children and other civilians in refugee camps declared safe in Rafah. Demonstrators carrying Palestinian flags lay down on the ground to represent the situation of those exposed to Zionist brutality in Gaza.

A large demonstration was held in Toronto, Canada, and the massacre committed by the occupation army in Rafah was condemned. Activists marched through the streets calling for a ceasefire and an end to the genocide in Gaza.

In Mexico, Palestinian supporters held a protest in front of the Israeli embassy in the capital, Mexico, condemning the Israeli massacre in Rafah and demanding an end to the attacks on Gaza. While the demonstrators were trying to enter the embassy building by throwing stones, clashes broke out due to the intervention of the police.


Hundreds of Jordanians demonstrated around the Israeli embassy in Amman, the capital of Jordan, and condemned the massacres of civilians in Gaza. The demonstrators shouted slogans supporting the Palestinian resistance, demanded the delivery of humanitarian and medical aid, and the termination of all diplomatic and economic agreements with Israel.

Demonstrations and marches were also held in Yemen protesting the Israeli massacres in Rafah. Hundreds of students in Sanaa, Amran and Hijjah provinces participated in marches in support of the resistance in Gaza and solidarity with the Palestinian people.

Hundreds of people, including human rights activists, gathered in front of the parliament building in Rabat, the capital of Morocco, to support Gaza and condemn the latest massacres in Rafah. Demonstrators carried banners stating that Israel continued to commit massacres in Rafah in violation of international agreements and International Court of Justice decisions, and demanded that international institutions take action to stop Israel. In many cities of Morocco, especially Tangier, protests in solidarity with the Palestinian people and against normalization continue almost daily.