British MP: How many people must be killed for Palestine to be recognized?

May 25, 2024 - 08:20
May 25, 2024 - 08:22
British MP: How many people must be killed for Palestine to be recognized?

British MPs urged the London government to recognize the Palestinian state and stated, "How many more people must be killed for the Palestinian people to be recognized?

According to the AP report, Jeremy Corbyn, member of parliament and former Chairman of the British Labor Party said about the decision of three European countries Spain, Norway and Ireland to recognize the independent state of Palestine, Recognition of the state of Palestine by Norway, Ireland and Spain brings a message to other European countries and Washington.

Corbyn added: It is time for the British government to recognize an independent Palestinian state. Palestine needs the support of European countries so that the UN General Assembly resolution can be recognized.

Spain and Ireland have recognized Palestine as an independent state, and Norway will officially recognize Palestine as an independent state next week.

This member of the British Parliament stated that  the decision of three European countries to recognize the Palestinian state was the result of pressure from the people in those countries. How many more people must become martyrs for the Palestinian nation to be recognized?

The Gaza Ministry of Health announced on Wednesday (22/5) the increase in the number of victims of Zionist aggression in the Gaza Strip to 35,709 people.

The Gaza Ministry of Health also announced the latest number of injured victims in the crime at 79,990 people.

The ministry said that a number of martyr's bodies were left under the rubble and several others were left on the side of the road, which aid agencies could not transport due to continuous Zionist aggression.

More than seven and a half months have passed since the start of the Zionist regime's attack on the Gaza Strip without any results or gains, and the regime is sinking deeper into internal and external crises day by day.

During this period, the Zionist regime achieved nothing but massacres, destruction, war crimes, violations of international law, bombing of aid organizations, and famine in the region.

The Israeli occupation regime has lost this war without considering any future achievements and even after more than seven months, they have not been able to get the resistance groups in the small territory that has been under siege for years to surrender, and have not been able to sway global public opinion. after committing clear crimes in Gaza.(sl)