Chinese WZ-8 supersonic drones map Taiwan
Chinese WZ-8 supersonic drones map Taiwan

Taiwan is increasingly in the crosshairs of China, which monitors and spies on it relentlessly: the brand new WZ-8 supersonic drones have been immortalized by US satellites at the Luan air base in the province of Anhui, recently expanded due to the increase in reconnaissance, and from where where Chinese fighters and spy planes take off to monitor the South China Sea.
The most advanced Chinese military vehicle, writes Defense News today, was parked outside one of the base's two newly built hangars. The image was provided by Planet Labs, an American public Earth imaging company, and is dated December 21. Two WZ-8s were photographed at the same base on August 9 last year, and published in April by the Washington Post.
This is the warning launched by Remus Li-Kuo Chen, Taipei's main representative to the European Union, in an exclusive interview with Euronews, Chen draws a parallel between the Russian aggression of Ukraine and what he calls Chinese military provocations in the Taiwan Strait. “The case of Taiwan is quite similar: Taiwan is small, China is big. And if there is any conflict it will not be because of us.
Everything that is happening in the Taiwan Strait is really a matter of life and death for the Taiwanese people". "If this kind of scenario occurs - continues the representative -, we cannot do it alone. We must make sure that the whole world pays attention and that there are devastating and catastrophic repercussions if something happens in this region, especially in the Taiwan Strait. " What is happening in the Taiwan Strait is a matter of life and death for the Taiwanese people."