Continued opposition to Netanyahu's statements against recognition of a Palestinian state

After another statement by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu against recognizing an independent state of Palestine, the head of the British parliamentary committee on foreign relations called these statements dangerous.

Jan 20, 2024 - 09:05
Continued opposition to Netanyahu's statements against recognition of a Palestinian state
Continued opposition to Netanyahu's statements against recognition of a Palestinian state

The prime minister of the Zionist regime officially announced on Thursday that he is against the formation of an independent Palestinian state after the end of the Gaza war. He said: "All lands west of the Jordan River must be under Israeli security control." Elisha Kearns told the London Standard on Friday that the Netanyahu government's rhetoric is divisive and extremely dangerous, CNN reported. She added: “Netanyahu’s clear refusal to recognize the rights of the Palestinian people weakens support for (Israel’s) allies, provokes neighbors and takes us further away from peace.” Meanwhile, Scottish Foreign Office spokeswoman Brendan O'Hara called on the leaders of Britain's two main political parties to recognize an independent Palestinian state as soon as possible. A group of Jewish lawmakers in the US House of Representatives also reacted and opposed statements by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who rejected the creation of a Palestinian state in the future. Josep Borrell In turn, Josep Borrell, the EU foreign policy representative, also accused the Israeli Prime Minister of disrupting efforts to resolve the conflict with Palestine. During a speech at Spain's University of Valladolid, he said: "The bad news is that Israel, especially its government, completely refuses to accept the (two-state) solution." Also, Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte, in a conversation with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, called for a reduction in regime violence against the Gaza Strip and an increase in humanitarian assistance to the region. Stephen Dujarric At the same time, Stephen Dujarric, a UN spokesman, said on Friday: “The Israeli regime army is preventing an increase in humanitarian aid in northern Gaza.” A UN representative on the drinking water situation in the Gaza Strip noted: “According to our data, there is only one drinking water pipe in the Gaza Strip, and the rest of the pipes are inaccessible.” Since October 7, 2023, with the full support of Western countries, especially the United States and Britain, the Zionist regime began massacres in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank against the defenseless and oppressed people of Palestine. On October 7, 2023, Palestinian resistance groups launched Operation Al-Aqsa Storm from the Gaza Strip against Israeli regime positions, and finally, after 45 days of fighting (November 24, 2023), a four-day temporary ceasefire or "humanitarian pause" was established for exchange prisoners between Hamas and the Israeli regime. This pause in the war lasted seven days, and on Friday morning (December 1, 2023) the temporary ceasefire ended and the Israeli regime resumed attacks on the Gaza Strip in order to avenge the Al-Aqsa Storm, redress its defeat and stop resistance operations. The Zionist regime has closed all checkpoints in the Gaza Strip and continues to bomb the area. The Zionist regime has killed more than 24,700 Gazans and injured at least 6,2,108 since the Zionist regime's attacks on the Gaza Strip began, 70% of whom were women and children.