Exhumation and abduction of Palestinian bodies by Zionists

In their final crime before withdrawing from an area of ​​Gaza, Zionist soldiers stole the bodies of at least 150 martyrs who had recently been buried in the area's cemetery.

Jan 7, 2024 - 14:23
Exhumation and abduction of Palestinian bodies by Zionists
Exhumation and abduction of Palestinian bodies by Zionists

According to the Arab news agency; The Palestinian Authority Information Office in the Gaza Strip issued a statement announcing the inhumane and barbaric actions of the Zionists in the area and the exhumation of 1,100 Palestinian martyrs. According to the statement; Having dug up the graves and overturned the cemetery with military bulldozers, the occupiers stole the bodies of almost 150 newly buried people and transported them to an unknown location. This led to the fact that suspicions of stealing the body parts of martyrs and committing another crime increased again. The Zionist regime tried several times to steal the bodies of Palestinian martyrs and their vital organs. After repeating this anti-human act; The Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas issued a statement emphasizing: The crime of exhuming the graves of martyrs and stealing their bodies is contrary to all religious teachings and violates international laws. Hamas called on the international community to take action to condemn the crimes of the Zionist regime, especially the desecration of the graves of martyrs, and to stop these heinous acts. The Palestinian Government Information Office in the Gaza Strip also condemned this brutal and immoral crime and expressed surprise at the silence of international organizations operating in the Gaza Strip regarding these brutal crimes and called on all free countries of the world and the international community to stop the crimes of the occupiers and the genocide of the Palestinian people.