Recognition of Hamas power by Zionist media

The Zionist media has once again recognized the power of Hamas in the northern Gaza Strip, despite the regime's attacks.

Jan 7, 2024 - 14:30
Jan 7, 2024 - 14:42
Recognition of Hamas power by Zionist media
Recognition of Hamas power by Zionist media

According to ArabNews, Zionist media reported that Israel had previously stated that it had destroyed the military structure and organization of the Hamas movement in the north of the Gaza Strip. But Hamas turns out to be stronger and more dangerous in this region every time. Meanwhile, Palestinian groups announced in a statement Saturday night that the Zionist plot to rule the Gaza Strip will fail despite the stability of the nation and the Palestinian resistance. The statement said: “The plans of the occupation regime to create a political administration under civilian titles will fail against our nation and the resistance.” The Palestinian groups added: "The goal of the occupation regime is to impose a new reality in Gaza, which will be governed by what it calls a civil or tribal administration." The statement concludes: “These illusions will fade before the patience of the Palestinian people and, like all American and Israeli plans, they will fail.” Another news about the events in the Gaza Strip is that the Qassam battalions of the military wing of the Hamas movement published a video message from a prisoner of the Zionist regime in the Gaza Strip, addressed to the Prime Minister of the Zionist regime, Benjamin Netanyahu. Jordan Bibas is a Zionist prisoner in the Gaza Strip who was captured along with his wife and two children, but his wife and children were killed during a bombing by Zionist militants. In his message, he told Netanyahu that he did not know whether he would be released to mourn his wife and two children, or whether he would be buried with them due to attacks by the Israeli army. Meanwhile, it was reported that Tel Aviv and Haifa witnessed Zionist demonstrations for the release of Zionist prisoners in the Gaza Strip on Saturday evening. The demonstrators demanded the resignation of Netanyahu and the regime's cabinet and new elections. Two days ago, protesters and families of Zionist prisoners in Gaza blocked a highway in Tel Aviv and demanded the release of the prisoners. Since Tuesday, the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement has informed mediators that all negotiations regarding the release of prisoners in the Gaza Strip have been suspended until further notice following the Zionist regime's terrorist attack on the assassination of Saleh al-Arouri, deputy head of Hamas' Beirut office.