Israelis attacked Muslims on Facebook under the guise of African Americans

Meta researchers have so far discovered 510 Facebook accounts, 11 pages, 32 Instagram accounts and one group linked to Israeli propaganda activities.

Jun 3, 2024 - 14:42
Israelis attacked Muslims on Facebook under the guise of African Americans

"An Israeli marketing company that conducted a campaign to infiltrate Facebook and Instagram platforms using fake Facebook accounts has been identified."

This Israeli campaign targeted users in the United States and Canada and posted fake content about Israel's war against the Palestinians.

The accounts identified themselves as Jewish students, African Americans and concerned citizens and shared posts praising Israel's military actions.

It was also reported that they attacked institutions critical of Israel, such as the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees (UNRWA).

According to the information disclosed by Meta, these accounts also shared views on Islamophobia in Canada and portrayed Muslims as enemies of liberals.

Further investigation revealed that they were also active on social media channel X and YouTube, in collaboration with Israel's STOIC company, and operated websites focusing on Israel's war with Hamas and Israel's West Asia policies.

This report also reveals that the people behind these accounts exert psychological pressure by writing mass comments on the pages of politicians, media outlets and other public figures.