Hezbollah: Assassination of al-Aruri will cause dangerous change in war

In response to the assassination of martyr Saleh al-Aruri, the Lebanese Hezbollah movement said in a statement this morning: "The assassination of Al-Aruri will cause a dangerous change in the war between the axis of resistance and the Zionist enemy."

Jan 4, 2024 - 06:50
Hezbollah: Assassination of al-Aruri will cause dangerous change in war
Hezbollah: Assassination of al-Aruri will cause dangerous change in war

 Lebanese Hezbollah movement announced that the assassination of the martyr Salih Al Aruri, Deputy Chairman of the Hamas Political Bureau, will never remain unanswered and that the resistance is at the highest level of preparation and will respond to this murder. Hezbollah expressed its condolences to the Palestinian people, the Islamic and Arab Ummah, the Hamas movement and other resistance groups for the martyrdom of Al-Aruri, and said that this barbaric murder would continue in Palestine, Lebanon, Yemen, Syria, Iran and He emphasized that gradually in Iraq it would cause the Mujahideen to believe more in their rightful cause and to continue on the path of jihad and resistance until victory and liberation. The Hezbollah movement continued its statement by adding: "The terrorizing of Martyr al-Aruri and his companions in the heart of the southern suburbs of Beirut is a dangerous attack against Lebanon." In this statement, Hezbollah emphasized that its usurper and helpless Zionist enemy adopted the policy of assassinating all those who participated in the Aqsa Flood operation and stood up to defend the Palestinian people. Meanwhile, the American-Israeli website Axios quoted the words of a Zionist official after the deputy head of Hamas's political department was assassinated on Tuesday local time. The Zionist official in question stated that this regime was preparing for Hezbollah's great revenge, including the possibility of using long-range missiles against itself