Experts: A free trade zone in Africa will stimulate the growth of integrated business

African experts said yesterday Monday in Nairobi Kenya that the full implementation of the African Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) will bring inclusive growth across the continent.

May 28, 2024 - 08:44
Experts: A free trade zone in Africa will stimulate the growth of integrated business

African experts said yesterday Monday in Nairobi Kenya that the full implementation of the African Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) will bring inclusive growth across the continent.

Speaking at the annual meeting of the Board of Governors of the African Development Bank AfDB in Nairobi, Kenya, the experts said that the African continent will reduce its reliance on traditional western markets if businesses increase in the continent.

Vincent Nmehielle Secretary General of the African Development Bank group has said that conducting free trade in Africa by removing customs duties on goods produced within the continent will promote intra-African trade, and at the same time benefit small businesses. 

Vincent Nmehielle

John Bosco Kalisa Chief Executive Officer of the East African Business Council has explained that the council is currently providing training to small companies and those owned by women on business procedures under the supervision of the AfCFTA.

And Monale Tatsoma, the Director General of the New African Development Bank of the BRICS group in the African region, his institution gives priority to the development of infrastructure projects in Africa in order to facilitate business there.