For now, it is too early to discuss the possibility of US military bases appearing in Armenia

Jun 18, 2024 - 13:04
For now, it is too early to discuss the possibility of US military bases appearing in Armenia

For now, it is too early to discuss the possibility of American military bases appearing on the territory of Armenia. Sergey Naryshkin, director of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service, said this in an interview with TASS.

"It is still too early to talk about this," he said, answering the question whether it is necessary to wait for the appearance of US military bases in the republic in connection with the change in Yerevan's policy.

Earlier, in the concluding joint statement of the Armenia-US strategic dialogue meeting, it was mentioned that the parties will strengthen cooperation in the field of security and aim to raise the status of cooperation to the level of strategic partnership.

A referendum is possible in the process of border demarcation with Azerbaijan. Nikol Pashinyan said this in Shinuhair.

According to him, for now the borders that existed during the Soviet Union are being restored, it is possible that a moment will come when Armenia and Azerbaijan reach a new agreement."At some point, Armenia and Azerbaijan may discuss whether we will cede 100 square meters and they will give up 100 square meters, but this should be done through a referendum."

Pashinyan said that during his visit to Syunik, he had an unscheduled stop in Shinuhair."I had an unscheduled stop in Shinuhayr, where we talked with the residents about Real Armenia, the demarcation process and the important guarantee of our security, legitimacy," he wrote.