Former MOSSAD Deputy Chief: Gaza War 'Doesn't Make Sense'

The former Deputy Head of the intelligence organization of the Zionist regime of Israel, MOSSAD Ram Ben-Barak has said that the ongoing war in the Gaza Strip is "senseless" and emphasized that the regime is the one that is losing and is facing economic collapse.

May 20, 2024 - 11:54
Former MOSSAD Deputy Chief: Gaza War 'Doesn't Make Sense'

The former Deputy Head of the intelligence organization of the Zionist regime of Israel, MOSSAD Ram Ben-Barak has said that the ongoing war in the Gaza Strip is "senseless" and emphasized that the regime is the one that is losing and is facing economic collapse.

Ben-Barak, who is a member of parliament of the Zionist administration, the Knesset, explained this in an interview with Israel's public radio and clarified by saying: "this war does not have a clear and known goal, and it is obvious that we are losing without a shadow of doubt." .
The former deputy head of Mossad continued to explain: "we have to engage in fighting in the same areas and end up losing more soldiers. We are also facing obstacles on the international stage, our relationship with the United States is deteriorating significantly, and the Israeli economy is going down" and he added questioningly: "show me one thing that we have achieved".

This is happening while various media outlets in the Zionist regime are reporting that there is a major rift that has never been witnessed within the war council of the fake regime.

The Zionist newspaper Ma'ariv has quoted news sources and wrote that Benny Gantz, a member of the war cabinet, Gadi Eisenkot, another member of the council, Yoav Galant, the minister of war, and Herzi Halevi, the chief of the armed forces, have greater support in the War Cabinet compared to prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who is supported by fewer members.
In relation to the issue, the 11th Colonel of the Zionist administration's television has also reported that the relationship between the members of the administration's cabinet is of tension and friction due to the failure to take strategic decisions, and there is a very high possibility of being broken that war cabinet.../