HAMAS: Netanyahu prefers his personal interests over the lives of Israeli soldiers

The military branch of the Palestinian Islamic Struggle Movement (HAMAS) has said that Benjamin Netanyahu, the Prime Minister of the Israeli government prefers his personal interests more than the lives of the soldiers of the brutal regime.

May 20, 2024 - 11:55
HAMAS: Netanyahu prefers his personal interests over the lives of Israeli soldiers

The military branch of the Palestinian Islamic Struggle Movement (HAMAS) has said that Benjamin Netanyahu, the Prime Minister of the Israeli government prefers his personal interests more than the lives of the soldiers of the brutal regime.


Abu Obeida, the Spokesman of the Qassam Brigades, the military branch of HAMAS, said this in a brief statement on Saturday.

The illegal regime of Israel continues the war and genocide against the defenseless people of the Gaza Strip, which is the headquarters of the military branch of the Palestinian Islamic Movement, Hamas.

The violent regime of Israel initiated mass killings against Palestinians on October 7, 2023 after Hamas gave a strong response to the Zionist regime through the Al-Aqsa Storm operation in which nearly 250 Zionists were taken hostage.

Abu Obeida said that the Israeli army was throwing its soldiers in the alleys of the Gaza Strip so that they would return in coffins, that is, dead, in an effort to find the remains of its captives, whom the army itself had targeted and killed on purpose.

Many Zionist captives have died after being injured in Israeli airstrikes.


Soldiers of the illegal Israeli regime

On Thursday, the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement HAMAS said the Israeli regime's attacks in the Gaza Strip had killed 70 percent of the Zionist hostages.

Hamas has said that Israel's invasion has killed 70 percent of the Zionist hostages, who have been held by the movement since the Al-Aqsa hurricane operation was implemented on October 7, 2023.

Hamas released 105 hostages during a week-long truce in late November last year.

The group recently accepted another peace proposal presented by mediators from Egypt and Qatar, but the Netanyahu government rejected the proposal.

Israel's illegal regime has so far committed the crime of killing more than 35,300 Palestinians, most of them women and children in the Gaza Strip.