Generation Z “no” to the Zionist regime!
In the annual ranking of the National Brand Index (NBI) in 2024, the Zionist regime received a negative vote and fell to the lowest rank by Generation Z.

quoting from the Zionist newspaper Yediot Aharanot, according to a report published by the National Brands Institute of Anholt Ipsos (NBI), Israel has lost its position in the international community after the Gaza war, dropping to 49th place out of 50 surveyed. According to Yediot Aharanot’s report, global polls after October 7, 2023, continuously show that the position of the Zionist regime in the world has fallen.
In this survey, which is the most recent and comprehensive study conducted on Israel since the October 7 operation, researchers evaluated the opinions of more than 40,000 respondents from 70 countries from July to August 2024, based on six key components of governance, culture, people and society, exports, migration and investment, and tourism.
The findings of this research show that Israel is ranked and placed next to countries whose average GDP per capita is about eleven thousand dollars.
According to the NBI index, the public opinion of the world does not believe in democracy in Israel and the Zionist regime has been ranked low from this point of view.
This study also indicates a sharp decrease in the willingness of people, especially Generation Z, to immigrate to Israel or invest in it. According to information published in Yedioth Aharonot, this generation dislikes Israel and gives Israel very low marks in all key parameters. The negative attitude of Generation Z towards the Zionist regime has significant consequences and if this trend continues, it will lead to a sharp decrease in foreign investment.
One of the most serious threats that this index shows is the disconnection of the world’s future generation with Israel. Changing the attitude towards Israel in this generation will lead to changing the intellectual values of future world leaders about Israel and jeopardizing its existence.
This Hebrew source considered the boycott of Israeli products and international companies as another worrying result of this investigation for Israel and stated: After the Gaza war, the public opinion of the world does not want to buy Israeli products. This issue has exposed Israel’s exports to an unprecedented risk and has greatly damaged the agricultural and manufacturing industries.
As the index shows, even though the Zionist regime always presents itself as a “startup nation”, the public opinion of the world does not accept this claim and in this survey, Israel is ranked low compared to European countries and even the UAE.
According to the results of the Anholt Ipsos research survey, recognizing Israel as a threat to global stability and security is another worrying result of this survey for the Zionist regime.
Based on this, analysts believe that Israel’s current branding strategy has faced an undeniable failure. Moti Sharaf, strategic consultant and founder of the Israel Branding Institute (Brand IL), explained the findings of this research and said: Israel has lost its place in the international community.
The strategic consultant and founder of this institute, while admitting Israel’s advertising failure, considered a serious transformation in Israel’s branding necessary to change the position of the regime and a positive attitude in the world’s public opinion, and for this purpose, he launched a 100 million dollar campaign to rebuild Israel’s brand.
It is worth mentioning that since 2005, Anholt Ipsos National Brand Index Institute (NBI) has been conducting this research annually with the aim of investigating the world population’s perception of the image of the countries in question. In this index, 50 countries are ranked, some of which represent strong economies and others are on the global agenda.
After the Al-Aqsa storm operation, the anti-Zionist atmosphere has spread all over the world. Hamas not only returned the world’s attention to the Palestinian issue, but also led to familiarity, empathy and sympathy of the young generation with Palestine and hatred of Israel. In the near future, a new generation of politicians will come to power in the world, and by standing up to Israel’s excesses, they will affect its interests and possibly its survival.