Rejection of Israel's statement by the Turkish government

Following the revelations about the cancellation of Turkey's economic and trade restrictions against the racist regime Israel, the tensions between the two became even more prominent in the news circles of the region and the world.

May 13, 2024 - 14:16
Rejection of Israel's statement by the Turkish government

Following the revelations about the cancellation of Turkey's economic and trade restrictions against the racist regime Israel, the tensions between the two became even more prominent in the news circles of the region and the world.

In this context, Turkish trade minister Ömer Bolat said that the Zionist regime's claims against the reduction of trade sanctions imposed by Ankara are completely delusional and unrealistic.

In a statement published on social media, Ömer Bolat announced that the statements of the Zionist regime's foreign minister, Yesrael Katz, were completely imaginary and had no connection with reality. Less than a week after the sanctions against Turkey, Yesrael Katz, the foreign minister of the pirate regime, announced that the government of Recep Tayyip Erdogan had canceled many sanctions against Israel.

If the Zionist regime Israel's claim is true, it can be said that Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's government has put the racist regime and bilateral politics in the field of trade on its agenda.

This was in January 2009, when Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, the then Prime Minister of Turkey, said in his speech to Israeli Prime Minister Shimon Peres at the Davos meeting in Switzerland, “You know how to kill very well!” "I know very well how you killed and shot children on the beaches." He said.

As you may remember, on April 9 this year, the Turkish Ministry of Commerce announced that trade restrictions were imposed on 54 types of products with Israel. These products include construction materials, industrial equipment and metal products. During the protests of Turkish party leaders and spontaneous protests of the public in various cities of Turkey, Erdogan's government was asked not to send goods used to make bombs and weapons of mass destruction to Israel. Following this action, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Zionist regime wrote in microblog X: Erdogan's government withdrew or lifted many trade restrictions against Israel. Undoubtedly, Turkish statesmen learned an unprecedented lesson. Israel should not be dependent on someone affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood, who can seize Israel's economic and commercial artery at any time and hinder Israel's progress and development.

In any case, the vague and unknown policies adopted by Ankara government officials have led many experts and Turkish party leaders to ridicule these policies and accuse Ankara officials of exploiting important events in the region.

In this context, Türkiye political affairs expert Mr. Mustafa Karaalioğlu says: "It is a sad move for the ruling party in Turkey to turn the Gaza issue into an election campaign issue and such a situation does not suit the politicians in power in Turkey.

The most important commodity exported by the Recep Tayyip Erdoğan government to Israel is crude oil. The Republic of Azerbaijan, a close ally of Erdogan's government in Turkey, has also established very strong relations with the racist Israeli regime. In fact, most of the oil that Israel needs is provided by the government of Ilham Aliyev. Erdogan's government also delivers these products to the Zionist regime in order to meet the needs of Israel's weapons factories and the production of weapons of mass destruction.

The demand of Turkish party leaders and the Muslim people in Turkey is to ban the export of crude oil to the Israeli regime. However, the Ankara government did not ban the export of this strategic product to Israel.

While many Muslim nations, many non-Muslim nations, and even a wide variety of Jews living in America and Europe emphasize the destruction of the racist Israeli regime, some Islamic governments and members of the Organization of Islamic Conference provide serious assistance to the leaders of this illegitimate regime in order to strengthen the Zionist regime. The leaders of the Islamic countries in question have even turned their backs on the Muslim nations in their countries, thinking that friendship with the racist Israeli regime can guarantee their rule for life.

Therefore, regarding the disclosure of some of the behind-the-scenes policies of the Recep Tayyip Erdoğan government by the Zionist regime, Ankara politicians are expected to seriously turn their backs on this racist regime this time. In fact, the cutting of the Zionist regime's economic and commercial arteries by Turkey may make the wishes of the Muslim nations of the world and even the true Jews come true faster than expected./