Global Leaders Extend Condolences to Iran Following Tragic Helicopter Crash

World leaders and politicians have been sending messages of condolence to Iran after the tragic helicopter crash that claimed the lives of Iranian President Sayyid Ibrahim Reisi, Foreign Minister Hussein Emir Abdullahiyan, East Azerbaijan Governor Malik Rehmeti, Tabriz Friday Prayer Imam Hujjat al-Islam Sayyid Muhammad Al-i Hashim, and several others.

May 21, 2024 - 13:57
Global Leaders Extend Condolences to Iran Following Tragic Helicopter Crash

World leaders and politicians have been sending messages of condolence to Iran after the tragic helicopter crash that claimed the lives of Iranian President Sayyid Ibrahim Reisi, Foreign Minister Hussein Emir Abdullahiyan, East Azerbaijan Governor Malik Rehmeti, Tabriz Friday Prayer Imam Hujjat al-Islam Sayyid Muhammad Al-i Hashim, and several others.

#### Turkish President Erdoğan
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan expressed his sorrow on social media, offering prayers for the deceased and extending his deepest condolences to the Iranian people, their government, and the families of the victims. "I pray for God's mercy on my esteemed counterpart, brother, President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Mr. Ibrahim Reisi, who we learned unfortunately passed away in the helicopter crash," Erdoğan wrote.

#### Ayatollah Sistani
Ayatollah Sistani conveyed his deep sadness over the incident, offering his condolences to the Iranian nation and government. "We received the news of the death of Iranian President Seyyed Ibrahim Reisi and his accompanying delegation with great sadness," he stated.

#### King Salman of Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia's King Salman bin Abdulaziz sent a message of condolence, expressing his sympathies for the loss of President Reisi, Foreign Minister Abdullahiyan, and others in the crash.

#### King Hamad of Bahrain
Bahraini King Hamad bin Isa al-Khalifa conveyed his condolences to Revolutionary Leader Ali Khamenei, mourning the loss of President Reisi and the other victims.

#### President Vladimir Putin
Russian President Vladimir Putin sent a heartfelt message to Iran, expressing his deep condolences for the tragic air crash. "Mr. Khamenei, the great tragedy that shook the people of the Islamic Republic of Iran; please accept my deep condolences for the air crash that killed President Syed Ibrahim Reisi and the loss of lives of other important dignitaries of your country," Putin said.

#### President Xi Jinping
Chinese President Xi Jinping underlined the significance of President Reisi’s contributions to both Iran and China-Iran relations. "The Chinese people have lost a good friend," Xi stated, emphasizing the tragic loss.

#### Hezbollah
The Lebanese Hezbollah Movement issued a statement mourning the loss of Iranian President Reisi, Foreign Minister Abdullahiyan, and Ayatollah Muhammad Ali Al-Hashem.

#### President Bashar Assad
Syrian President Bashar Assad expressed his condolences to the Leader of the Islamic Revolution and the Iranian people and government for the tragic loss of President Reisi and his delegation.

#### President Ilham Aliyev of Azerbaijan
President Ilham Aliyev of Azerbaijan expressed his deep sorrow over the loss, noting that the Iranian people lost a distinguished statesman in President Reisi.

#### President Cyril Ramaphosa of South Africa
South African President Cyril Ramaphosa also extended his condolences, highlighting the strong bilateral relations between South Africa and Iran.

#### Other International Responses
Leaders from around the globe, including those from Qatar, Venezuela, India, Pakistan, Yemen, Iraq, and the United Arab Emirates, among others, have sent messages of condolence. NATO, the EU, and the IAEA also expressed their sympathies.

#### National Mourning
Lebanon, Syria, and Pakistan declared days of national mourning in honor of the late Iranian President and his delegation.

### Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Responds
The Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs thanked the international community for their messages of support and solidarity. "We sincerely thank the world governments, authorities, and international organizations for their messages of solidarity with the government and people of Iran and their offers of assistance and support for the search and rescue operation," the ministry said in a written statement.