Message of the Leader of the Islamic Revolution on the occasion of the opening of the 6th Term Guidance Expert Assembly

The Guide of the Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Amanei, described the Assembly of Guidance Experts as the symbol of Islamic democracy and called on the alert consciences around the world to take into account the harsh realities of systems that are hostile to religion or far from religion and to think about the comprehensive, solid, solvent, attractive and astonishing plan of Islamic leadership.

May 21, 2024 - 13:52
Message of the Leader of the Islamic Revolution on the occasion of the opening of the 6th Term Guidance Expert Assembly

The Guide of the Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Amanei, described the Assembly of Guidance Experts as the symbol of Islamic democracy and called on the alert consciences around the world to take into account the harsh realities of systems that are hostile to religion or far from religion and to think about the comprehensive, solid, solvent, attractive and astonishing plan of Islamic leadership.

In his message sent on the occasion of the opening of the 6th Term of the Assembly of Guidance Experts, Ayatollah Hamani, the Guide of the Islamic Revolution, pointed out to think wisely on the Qur'anic and Islamic knowledge in terms of building "shariah and rationality", "the unseen and the unseen", and invited the alert consciences around the world to believe in religion. He invited us to consider the harsh realities of the enemy or the systems far from religion and to think about the comprehensive, solid, solvent, attractive and astonishing plan of Islamic governance.

The Guide of the Islamic Revolution also commemorated with mercy the late President of Iran, Sayyid Ibrahim Reisi, and the late Friday Imam of Tabriz, "Muhammad Ali Al-i Hashim", who was martyred in the May 19 helicopter crash, and said that the Assembly of Guided Leaders is one of the main pillars of the democratic Islamic order and that the nation's He stated that it was strengthened for certain periods of time with his strong hand and secured the safety and continuation of the Nizam.

The Guide of the Islamic Revolution continued his statement as follows: The esteemed and elected members of the Assembly of Guidance Experts, with the Divine will and the efforts of the people, have had the opportunity to play one of the most outstanding roles in strengthening the steel chain of the Nizam's leadership, and it is appropriate for them to express gratitude to Almighty God and the nation for this blessing.

Ayatollah Khamenei pointed out the duty of the Guidance Council elected by the people to select the Guide in accordance with Islamic criteria, and noted that this is the most enlightened sign of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

The Guide to the Islamic Revolution also states that today, while the Gaza tragedy and the usurper Zionist regime subject thousands of innocent, unarmed and defenseless women, children and men to massacre and genocide, the support of the so-called liberal governments of the West to this vampire monster reveals the meaning of Western human rights and freedom for alert consciences. he emphasized.

Ayatollah Khamenei emphasized that today is a new opportunity for the authorities of the Order of the Islamic Republic and all their loved ones to show the truth of this great phenomenon to truth seekers around the world through their actions and speeches.

The opening of the 6th Term of the Guidance Experts Assembly took place today.

Members of the Council of Guidance Experts, which has 88 members, are elected to this assembly for a period of 8 years.