Guterres strongly condemned the Israeli attack that killed 35 refugees in the UNRWA center in Gaza

United Nations Secretary General António Guterres has condemned the attack carried out by the Zionist regime of Israel on a school that was sheltering Palestinian refugees in Nuiserat, in the center of Gaza at dawn on Thursday.

Jun 8, 2024 - 12:11
Guterres strongly condemned the Israeli attack that killed 35 refugees in the UNRWA center in Gaza

United Nations Secretary General António Guterres has condemned the attack carried out by the Zionist regime of Israel on a school that was sheltering Palestinian refugees in Nuiserat, in the center of Gaza at dawn on Thursday.

He said that the attack is another example of the cost paid by citizens who seek safety.

Stéphane Dujarric who is the spokesperson of the Secretary General said this when he was answering the question of a journalist in New York who wanted to know if Guterres has any statement about the attack that caused the death of 35 people and many others were injured.

Dujarric said, "I speak on behalf of him (Guterres). So I can tell you that he said the attack is another terrible example of the cost paid by Palestinian citizens, men, women and children who are trying to live, who have to run here and there like a cycle of death inside Gaza, trying to find safety.

When asked if the Secretary General condemns the attack on the school that housed 6,000 refugees, Dujarric said, "of course he condemns this attack."

The air force of the Zionist administration of Israel early Thursday morning attacked the United Nations school in the Nuseirat camp in the middle of the Gaza Strip, killing at least 35 Palestinian witnesses, including children and women, and injuring dozens of others.

Thousands of Palestinians who were forced to leave their homes were given shelter in the Nuseirat al-Sardi camp school, which is managed by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA).

The head, UNRWA, Philippe Lazarini has said that attacking, targeting or using United Nations buildings for military activities is against international humanitarian law,

Israeli TV Channel 12 reports that since the start of the war against the Gaza Strip on October 7, 2023, more than 10,000 soldiers of the Zionist regime have become mentally ill and disabled.

In this regard, "Haaretz" newspaper's military affairs analyst "Amos Hareil" said that the operational and human resources departments of the Israeli army faced unexpected emergency situations.
Hareil added that such a war of attrition, accompanied by many pressures, was not foreseen in the war scenarios.
Until now, the media of the Zionist regime has admitted the strict censorship that the Israeli army uses when publishing the statistics of its casualties in the war.
This operation was carried out due to the large number of Zionist soldiers killed in the war against the Gaza Strip and the fear of further internal reactions in the occupied territories.
According to the Israeli TV channel 12, the army of this regime asked the hospital officials not to publish the statistics of the killed without agreeing with the army.