India's Supreme Court overturns the decision to close 17,000 Muslim Madrasahs
Nov 9, 2024 - 12:24
After months of review and investigation, the Supreme Court of India has finally given a decision to keep 17,000 Muslim Madrassas that wanted to be closed in the country's largest state of Uttar Pradesh.
After extensive monitoring by Muslim lawyers and legislators, finally the Supreme Court of India, and after several months of review, has prevented the closure of those madrasas in the state of Uttar Pradesh.
The judgment of the Supreme Court of India ordering the continuation of Muslim Madrasahs, was issued when eight months ago, the Supreme Court of the city of Allahabad in the state of Uttar Pradesh issued an order to close those Islamic religious schools and ordered the students of those madrasas to be sent to schools of government. In addition to the decision of the Supreme Court of Allahabad worrying Muslim families, it was also endangering the fate of 1.7 million students of those madrasas along with 10,000 teachers.
Supreme Court of India
Some Indian political analysts have interpreted the plan to close Muslim madrassas in the state of Uttar Pradesh as a prelude to the implementation of the plan to close madrassas throughout India, which however has been stopped by the decision of the Supreme Court.
Uttar Pradesh is the most populous state in India with a population of over 250 million. Muslims, whose number in the country exceeds 200 million, make up a fifth, or one-fifth of the state's population.../