Israel claims the President of Brazil is a useless person after comparing the Zionist regime to Hitler

The foreign minister of the Zionist administration of Israel said on Monday that the President of Brazil will remain unwelcome to visit Israel until he changes his statements comparing Israel's war against the Gaza Strip to the genocide committed by Nazi Germany during the war. of the Second World.

Feb 20, 2024 - 15:36
Israel claims the President of Brazil is a useless person after comparing the Zionist regime to Hitler
Israel claims the President of Brazil is a useless person after comparing the Zionist regime to Hitler

 In a statement, Israel Katz told President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva of Brazil that: "We will not forget and we will not forgive. It is a dangerous attack against the 'Jews.' Also on Sunday, the ultra-political minister of the Zionist regime claimed that: "The words of the President of Brazil are shameful and dangerous, and no one will harm Israel's right to defend itself." The Zionist regime of Israel is accusing the President of Brazil of what it claims to be the Holocaust committed by the German Nazis against the Jews when the Zionist regime itself and in just a few months has committed terrible crimes against innocent people in Gaza. crimes that have never been witnessed in the history of recent centuries. The flag of Israel On Sunday, President Lula da Silva of Brazil strongly criticized Israel for carrying out genocide in the Gaza Strip, likening the same "Holocaust" murder allegedly committed against the Jews during the Second World War. The Brazilian president told reporters in Addis Ababa, where he attended the African Union meeting, that "what is happening in the Gaza Strip is not a war, but a genocide. He added that: "It is not really a war of soldiers against soldiers, but it is a war between an army equipped with heavy and modern weapons against women and small children."

 The Brazilian government has returned home its Israeli ambassador, while the diplomatic dispute continues to unfold between the Latin American country and Tel Aviv. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Brazil has said that the country has returned home its ambassador to Israel, Mauro Vieira for 'consultations' in parallel with calling the ambassador of Tel Aviv in Brasilia, Daniel Zonshine to complain about the statement made by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Israel. The hard-line minister of the Zionist regime, Israel Katz, on Sunday issued strong words against President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva of Brazil that: "We will not forget and we will not forgive. It is a dangerous attack against the 'Jews. The words of the President of Brazil are of shame and danger, and no one will harm Israel's right to defend itself." Tel Aviv said on Monday that the President of Brazil will remain unwelcome to visit Israel until he changes his statements comparing Israel's war against the Gaza Strip to the alleged "Holocaust" committed by Nazi Germany against the Jews during the war. Second in the world. Brazilian Muslims in protest President Luiz Inacia Lula da Silva of Brazil has continued to strongly condemn the war of the Zionist administration of Israel against the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip and said that the administration is carrying out genocide against the Palestinians. Brazilian leaders emphasize that the United Nations and its institutions such as the Security Council must have the courage to ensure that an independent Palestinian state is created.