Israel, military expert: better to avoid conflict with Hezbollah

Israel, military expert: better to avoid conflict with Hezbollah

Aug 3, 2023 - 18:07
Israel, military expert: better to avoid conflict with Hezbollah
Israel, military expert: better to avoid conflict with Hezbollah

The former head of the operations division of the Israeli army described the secretary general of Hezbollah, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, as a "very intelligent person" who should not be underestimated. Major General of the reserves, Israel Ziv, told Channel 12 that Nasrallah is aware that what is happening in the occupied territories confirms his "cobweb theory", which he introduced after the liberation of southern Lebanon in 2000. "Read our newspapers every morning, he follows our news, and perhaps he watches us talking on television, he understands and sees the erosion, collapse and division within Israel. 

Nasrallah is trying to belittle the Netanyahu government, humiliate the Zionist regime and expose its weaknesses,” Ziv said. These remarks came after Netanyahu held a security assessment with top commanders amid rising tensions with Hezbollah on the occupied territories' border with Lebanon. On Saturday, Nasrallah warned that Hezbollah would respond to any "stupid act" by Israel. “When the Zionists or any enemy present us with two choices, we will always refuse humiliation,” Nasrallah said.