Israeli Attacks on Gaza Schools Erode Foundation for Societal Growth

In the wake of Israel’s prolonged military campaign, a devastating toll on Gaza’s educational infrastructure has been revealed, with more than 76 percent of schools now requiring full reconstruction or significant rehabilitation. The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) has documented a stark rise in direct attacks on schools across the besieged territory, exacerbating an already dire humanitarian crisis.

Jun 15, 2024 - 14:52
Israeli Attacks on Gaza Schools Erode Foundation for Societal Growth

In the wake of Israel’s prolonged military campaign, a devastating toll on Gaza’s educational infrastructure has been revealed, with more than 76 percent of schools now requiring full reconstruction or significant rehabilitation. The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) has documented a stark rise in direct attacks on schools across the besieged territory, exacerbating an already dire humanitarian crisis.

According to the recent Education Cluster assessment, 69 percent of school buildings serving as shelters for displaced people have sustained direct hits or damage from Israeli airstrikes. Shockingly, 96 percent of schools directly targeted—totaling 296—were situated in areas under Israeli military evacuation orders.

The impact extends beyond physical destruction, significantly undermining Gaza’s societal fabric and future prospects. Talal al-Hathal, Director of the Al Fakhoura Programme at Education Above All Foundation in Qatar, condemned the targeting of educational infrastructure as an assault on hope and opportunity for Palestinians in Gaza. He emphasized that education not only facilitates survival but also enhances prospects for equality and future success.

The situation is dire for Gaza’s youth, with approximately 620,000 students currently out of school, as reported by UNICEF. This disruption severely affects mental health, as children and teenagers cope with trauma amid ongoing violence. Audrey McMahon, a child psychiatrist from Doctors Without Borders, highlighted the long-term cognitive and emotional impact on young minds, warning of lifelong consequences if proper support is not provided.

Beyond primary and secondary education, institutions of higher learning have also been severely impacted. Israa University, located in Gaza City, was recently demolished after months of occupation by Israeli forces, which used it as a military base and detention center before its destruction.

The international community has expressed outrage over these attacks, viewing them as a violation of international humanitarian law and a hindrance to peace efforts. The destruction of educational institutions not only disrupts immediate learning but also jeopardizes Gaza’s future stability and development prospects.

As efforts continue to rebuild and restore educational facilities in Gaza, global attention remains focused on providing essential support and humanitarian aid to mitigate the enduring consequences of this conflict on the region's youth.