Kenya to remove visas from all African countries by the end of 2023

President William Ruto of Kenya has said that his country will remove the conditions for taking visas for all citizens of African countries by the end of this year 2023 with the aim of strengthening trade with African countries. President Ruto said this in Brazzaville, the capital of the Republic of Congo at a meeting of the three largest forest basins in the world, which are known by the names of Amazon, Congo and Borneo-Mekong. He said: "At the end of this year, no African will need a visa to enter Kenya. The time has come to understand the importance of doing business between us." He has also spoken about the low level of intra-African trade and encouraged the reduction of customs duties within the African continent in order to speed up the implementation of the Free Trade Area of the African continent. From 31 December 2023, all citizens of African countries will not need a visa to enter Kenya In another part of his speech, the President of Kenya said: "The time has come for us to recognize the importance of doing business with each other and allowing goods, services, people and ideas to move freely throughout the continent." He added that trade between the countries of the East African Community (EAC) has grown significantly due to the removal of visas and taxes. In addition, President Ruto has said that recognizing and giving incentives to countries located in tropical forest basins to protect these forests is a good step to protect the climate. The Amazon basin in South America, the Congo basin in Central Africa and the Borneo-Mekong basin in South-East Asia, together make up 80 percent of the rainforests and contain about two-thirds of the world's species. These rain forests not only have a great importance in local ecosystems but also have a global role in controlling the climate of the planet earth and sustaining life on earth.