World drought alarm

World drought alarm

Jun 17, 2023 - 13:58
World drought alarm
World drought alarm

The drought is on the verge of becoming a global epidemic.The British Guardian newspaper published an article warning that with the onset of heat waves and water shortage problems, drought will be the world's next epidemic.
The article states; The lack of fresh water is increasingly threatening the planet. The author of the article pointed to the increasing pollution of the world's remaining fresh water with sewage and fertilizers and wrote that pollution causes algae and the death of ecosystems.
A British newspaper criticizing the management of the world's water crisis claims that the time of the drought crisis will come faster with less surface and groundwater.
 Since 2012, the World Economic Forum, in its annual reports, has identified the water crisis as one of the top five threats to the global economy.
Half of the world's population - nearly 4 billion people - live in areas with severe water scarcity for at least one month of the year.
At the same time, half a billion people experience severe water scarcity all year round.