Majority of Azerbaijanis Support Peace Treaty with Armenia, Survey Reveals

Survey Results Indicate Strong Public Backing for Peace Agreement

Jul 5, 2024 - 10:03
Majority of Azerbaijanis Support Peace Treaty with Armenia, Survey Reveals

A recent survey conducted by the Azerbaijani Center for Social Research reveals significant public support for a peace agreement between Azerbaijan and Armenia. According to the results, 83.8 percent of respondents are in favor of signing a peace treaty, reflecting a strong desire for resolution and stability in the region.

The survey, conducted in June 2024, polled 1,152 Azerbaijani citizens aged 18 and older. The survey was carried out anonymously to ensure candid responses. With a margin of error of 3 percent and a 95 percent confidence interval, the findings are considered highly reliable. While a substantial majority expressed support for the peace agreement, 13.5 percent opposed it, and 2.7 percent were undecided or had difficulty expressing their opinion.

Political Developments and International Involvement

The survey's release coincides with significant diplomatic engagements. Notably, the presidents of Russia and Azerbaijan met during the Shanghai Cooperation Organization summit in Astana to discuss the peace process. Russian President Vladimir Putin emphasized Moscow's commitment to facilitating normalization between Armenia and Azerbaijan, highlighting the extensive and ongoing diplomatic contacts between Moscow and Baku.

"We are always ready to support the normalization of relations between Armenia and Azerbaijan and the promotion of the peace agenda," Putin stated. "Even if we meet every month, there will still be something to talk about."

Infrastructure and Bilateral Cooperation

During the summit, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev briefed Putin on the current state of relations with Armenia. He also highlighted key infrastructure projects, such as the North-South highway, which are critical for regional connectivity and economic cooperation. Aliyev noted opportunities for collaboration in the energy and industrial sectors and expressed satisfaction with the increasing mutual settlements in national currencies.

"We are determined to expand the infrastructure of the corridor in the territory of Azerbaijan," Aliyev said, referring to the North-South corridor project. "Although it exists physically, it does not yet meet the full potential and intentions of our partners and neighbors."

Strengthening Alliances

The meeting underscored the deepening alliance between Russia and Azerbaijan, following the 2022 declaration of allied cooperation. Both leaders praised the progress made over the past two years, with Aliyev commending Putin's support for teaching the Russian language in Azerbaijan and acknowledging the benefits of their collaborative efforts.

Implications for Regional Stability

The strong public support for a peace agreement, coupled with high-level diplomatic efforts, signals a potential turning point in the long-standing conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia. Successful negotiations could lead to enhanced stability and prosperity in the South Caucasus region, benefiting all parties involved.

As the peace process progresses, the international community will be closely monitoring developments, hopeful that a lasting resolution can be achieved. The survey results provide a clear mandate from the Azerbaijani public, reflecting a widespread aspiration for peace and cooperation with Armenia.