Message from European Students: No to the US and Israeli sultanate in Europe!

The suppression of students critical of the Gaza War and the regime occupying Palestine in European universities has led to an unprecedented situation ahead of the European Parliament elections. This could have a lasting impact on the future governance of Europe.

May 26, 2024 - 18:16
Message from European Students: No to the US and Israeli sultanate in Europe!

Top European Union officials are doing their best to encourage young people to go to the polls in the short time remaining before the European Parliament elections. In contrast, the brutal violence of the police departments of western states and their full support for the arrest and beating of students raises important questions in the minds of French, German, Dutch and other European citizens.

The truth is that; Zionism lobbies in Europe are mainly divided into two lobbies: "Zionist-Social Democrat" and "Zionist-Conservative". These lobbies order the security and political institutions in the target countries to suppress European students and personally supervise this process.

It was in this context that anti-Zionism was equated with anti-Semitism by Western judiciary and intelligence agencies. More importantly, the open and secret centers of power in Europe generally do not allow the emergence of anti-Zionist parties, and they restrict all kinds of activities in the political and social spheres in their countries to certain unwritten but concrete instructions and rules, including the commitment not to cross these red lines. makes it subject to commitments.

When ultranationalist movements first emerged in the West, everyone thought that, given the background of the leaders of these groups, they would oppose Zionism and see the political and international confrontation with Israel as part of their manifesto.

However, during the recent Gaza War, politicians affiliated with traditionalist movements (such as Macron and Scholz), such as French National Front leader Marine Le Pen and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, became advocates of genocide.

The Hungarian government, along with the United States, voted no to this bill in the last vote at the United Nations General Assembly on the recognition of Palestine as an independent state.

Even European students who did not take to the field in their countries to directly support Palestine now agree: Zionism is accepted not only as a red line, but as part of the governance model in the West.

European leaders have integrated the presence and actions of the Zionists into their overall security policies and are therefore repressing their citizens simply for opposing the brutality of the Zionist occupation regime in Gaza.

One of the most important concerns of the new generation of Europeans is this change in management model. Even the change of parties from traditional to "new opposition" does not meet the youth's need for complete independence from Israel and America.

The result of student uprisings, not only in America but also in Europe, will be to focus on new management models. The drafting and implementation of these models will be based on "structural transition" and "management change", not on "player change"!

What worries strategists and experts among advocates of the current governance model in Europe is the unlimited nature of student movements and their extension into the future.